
Summer has begun! yayyyyy…

I failed english and the chem regents so I'll have to take summer school. Of course it's in the most annoying spot of the summer. Mid june to mid august.

Mental Health

I think I'm manic but I can't tell. I decided to have a pool party as I've been really bored lately. This party was an impulsive decission but tbh a good one. I'm really excited.

Progress on Sumer Goals

  1. Read

So far I've read like 12 chapters in Every Word You Never Said. Though the chapters are short it's progress.

  1. Daily walks/bike rides

Mental Health

I'm doing ok. Not the worst but not the best either. Just doing ok. Which is weird to say.

I've been busy

I've had finals all week this week. You know something you realize while taking finals is time moves very slowly sometimes. Like the ability to “time skip” is really nice. If I'm tired I can space out and all of a sudden it will be hours later. Honestly I hate finals as I never do well on them. It's hard for me to sit there for hours on end just to do a single thing.

Mental Health

Hi, so it's been pretty bad tbh. I'm hanging in there but like it's hard. I have motivation to do stuff but everything feels yuck. Otherwise I got nothing else for mental health which is kinda a good thing. I'm slowly realizing that nothing for mental health is a good thing.

Mental Health

Some weeks just feel average and I dont know how to write my feelings. I’m slowly coming to terms with that. It’s so hard to struggle with deppresion and have that be normal. You’ll never get used to it. Always feeling somewhat off.

Sumer Goals

Ok so this is a detailed look into what I want to do this summer.

1. Read

I want to read at least two books. The first book I’m going to read is Every Word You Never Said. It pretty much just a queer fan fic. I'm aall for it and it's pretty good so far. I'm about 50 pages in.

2. Daily walks/bike rides

I hope I can put some time away every day as long as the weather is good.