Current Events - Protesters swarm NYC library hosting Drag Story Hour for kids

It honestly disgusts me how people are so outraged over something so innocent. I currently work with kindergarteners. Some of the kids call me Mrs. while others call me Mr. The confusion coupled with their acceptance of who I am shows how kids flat-out do not care. Kindergardeners are pure. While some would like to say that kids shouldn't be educated on the LGBTQ community at a young age I completely disaggre. Parents don't want their kids to be educated on acceptance due to the fact that they are too stuborn to accept the LGBTQ community. This issue is not from the community itself but rather the people who distain us. Back to the current event, the kids who were listening to the story were neurodivergent students. These kids were just innocent kids trying to enjoy a story time not understanding the depth of something like this. In end I'm honestly disgusted.

Song of the week!

Current Events - Elon Musk, astronaut Scott Kelly spar on Twitter over pronoun use

It honestly disgusts me to see what this horrible man is doing just to save his money. Elon Musk wanted to buy twitter to make is a public town square. He only actually went through with buying it because he was forced to after he realized that it was a money pit. Now after firing half his employes and having no PR department he is leaning to the right to gain their support. This desperate grasp at trying to gain users from the right has worked short term. But now that twitter is a private company we have no way of verfying that these numbers are legit. He goes on to say his pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci. This is not only destructive towards the LGBTQ+ community but also brings to light how he doesn't care at all about hurting others. This disgusting abuse of power is only going to continue as he tries to keep Twitter afloat.

Mental Health

I'm actually doing well! I'm getting back on my feet and it feels good. I might be manic but who cares because either way I'm getting stuff done which is a nice change of pace.

Song of the week!

Trying something new lmk if you like it!

I’m Back

I took a short(not short) hiatus in writing in my blog due to personal reasons. But I am back! I still have depression. Which is a struggle but because I am ✨ medicated ✨ it is not as bad as it could be. My main focus this week is just to get back into writing on my blog. Don’t expect much from me as I have a struggling motivation to do anything.

Update I am going to resume blogging!

Current Events

“A protester ran onto the field Monday carrying a rainbow flag and wearing a blue Superman T-shirt that said “SAVE UKRAINE” on the front and “RESPECT FOR IRANIAN WOMAN” on the back during a World Cup match between Portugal and Uruguay.”

This is a simple current event to start with. I think this is an amazing way to spread awareness. I do not think that this caused an interuption in the game but it was a cute way to spread awareness

Mental Health

Half way through the summer. Uhm I haven't been reading much. I've been focusing on myself I guess. I haven't been writing much becuase I found it hard to write lately. My life is boring I guess. I don't have much that I currently want to say and it sucks. I have a lot I want to be able to do creativly but I don't really have an outlet for that.