Mental Health

Had to skip last week due to just not having the motivation to get anything done and ngl kinda skipped this week. Whoops :/

Current Event - ‘Don’t Say Gay’ feud advances with new proposed legislation

To be honest I have a lot of views on this topic but lets start on the end of the article. I think no longer making Disney a part of its own government in the state of Florida is an amazing idea. Disney is trying to bypass texes by using the area they govern as an exscuse to not pay taxes. They are getting all this hate due to their support of early education of LGBTQ+ topics. Though I do think that removing their power is a good thing the 'don't say gay bill' is a horrible thing that should not be formed. Allowing kids to have an early education on LGBTQ+ topics allows them to learn about what they may identify as at an earlier age. This paragraph from healthline perfectly descibes why the 'don't say gay bill is bad'.

Health experts say legislation like Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill (which has been dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by its opponents) can negatively affect the mental and physical health of young people. According to experts, when a person’s identity (or the identity of a loved one) becomes politicized and a point of debate, it can be dehumanizing, increase stigma and stress, and be especially damaging for impressionable, vulnerable young people. Stressed teens are more susceptible to substance use and suicide.

All of this added together makes for it to be very hard to be a young LGBTQ+ member in Florida at the moment. All of this stress and anxeity is harmful for these young kids who are just trying to find themselves in these trying times.

Song of the Week

Current Event - 2021 was supposed to be the ‘worst year’ for LGBTQ rights — then came 2022

So tbh I don't feel like reading the actual article so I'm just going to give my 2 cents on how this year went for gay rights. The “Don't say gay bill” was passed in florida… This added with similar bills in Texas added up for a pretty horrible year. Though it could've been worse I would like to say this was more of decline for gay rights. The “Don't say gay bill” was introduced to try to stop early education of anything to do with the LGBTQ1. This means that books that could help students better understand their sexuality were forced to be removed from school libraries. Texas had similar bill get passed that also banned such books. The “Don't say gay” bill also banned the use of perfered names and pronouns in the classroom. Texas also introduced many bills making gender affirming care child abuse. This has made people of the LGBTQ community have to flee the state due to the fact their children can no longer recieve hormone therapy and other gender affirming care. This is honestly disgusting and why I find this year to be a loss to gay rights. We also experienced an explosion in transphobic hate both from and due to Elon Musk2. He went on to make fun of pronouns and call them an esthetic nightmare. This then caused an explosion of transphobic hate as he tries to save a failing company he was forced to buy. In end Elon Musk seems to either crave attention or is trying to save his company by leaning to the right due to the fact that the left now finds him disgusting.
Though I am not well educated on what happened I though it would be good to pay respects to the Club Q shooting. May the five people who died rest in peace…

Song of the week

2022 Wrapped wrapped wrapped

Steam wrapped

Steam 2022 wrapped

What Pulse wrapped

Though it fully didn't record the year I thought it would be cool to add.
What Pulse wrapped

Github unwrapped

Github unwrapped

  1. LGBTQIA+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more. These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
  2. Elon Musk is an extremely wealthy man who also happens to have extremely low emotional intelligence. He has big visionary ideas and lofty goals but lacks any hint of wisdom, prudence or tact. He may be thinking for humanity as a whole, but he certainly doesn't give a damn for humans on an interpersonal level. He is like a little kid in a playroom, with cars and rockets and a little star and space playmat, making whoosh and the cckkrkrkkhhh noises. He's also very imature and named his son after the back of his wifi router.

Mental Health

I'm actually doing really well. I would love to say I did this on my own but I can't. I have an amazing support system of friends, family, and medication. We love m e d s. Anyways other than that I think I will be discontinuing this part of my blog as I've grown a great deal. It may be sad to see this chapter of my life pass but I'm glad I no longer report how miserable I am every week.

Current Event - Ohio teacher told principal using students’ preferred pronouns violated her religion. She was forced to resign, lawsuit says

So this is an interesting story and tbh really funny. This teacher did not want to respect students pronouns. Because of this she was subsequently forced to resign. Her lawyers argue that she wasn't given the option to switch classes, because of this her lawyers argue that it was unfair to force her to resign. Thats a brief summary and to be honest I don't know which side I'm on. On one hand they should've given her more options due to the fact that her religous beliefs state she should use someone's original name. But obviously she is transphobic for not respecting someone elses pronouns1 and prefered name. She obviously didn't want to change which is why I respect the decision to force her to resign. Even if she was put into another classroom she would've eventually caused problems with other students. This is a really tough situation that the school administrators were put in but in the end I personally think they made the right decision to force her to resign. It really sucks that she had to resign due to her religous beliefs but I think it was the best thing for the community.

Song of the Week

This may look really stupid bc of the name of the artist but tbh their song is a banger. I'm going to keep exploring their music and see what I find!

  1. Pronouns are words that refer to either the people talking (like you or I) or someone or something that is being talked about (like she, they, and this). Gender pronouns (like he or them) specifically refer to people that you are talking about.