Current Events

Oh boy, this week is a doozie for LGBTQ news. Though news has been LGBTQ focused lately, I promise I will bring some non-LGBTQ news next week.

Judge ruled definition of a women was not in sorority

On August 25th, a judge dismissed a case in which a transgender woman was contesting her declined admission to a sorority. The judge stated that, although the sorority does not explicitly define what a woman is, they have the right to decline admission. We observe this trend with judges ruling that athletics, businesses, and schools do not necessarily need to accept transgender people.

Which brings us to our next topic where older trans people are fearing where they will live out their days.

Transgender seniors are fearing where they can live

Retirement homes are hard enough to find as it is, but it is nearly impossible to find an inclusive one. Transgender seniors have felt unwelcome in these environments. They should be able to live in a safe and welcoming retirement home, without the need to explain everything about themselves to every worker. Their desire is to live out their days in peace. Now, there is a fear that they won’t be able to access inclusive care due to the recent state bans.

Song of the week

  • Yung Gravy
  • bbno$
    Do I need to say more?

Honerable Mention

Old call back but worth it. I love this song more then I have for anything.

Curent Events - Heartstopper

Part 1

Heartstopper1 book series has recently been pulled from a public library in Mississippi. On Auguest 9th, they recently held a meeting where residents were able to voice their concerns on the series. The book was taken off the shelves quickly after and is now pending the board's decision. LGBTQ books are not the only ones getting attacked. Books about racism and prejudice are also being removed from libraries all around the US. 1,269 challenges have been made against more then 2,500 books. This censorship seems to only be increasing throughout this year and is predicted to get worse.

Part 2

Now with the bad news out of the way THE NEW SEASON OF HEARTSTOPPER CAME OUT ON NETFLIX! I am not going to dive into as I have not watched it yet and do not want spoilers. If you want a break down click the link in the part 2 title. BUT WATCH IT! I PROMISE ITS A GOOD ROMANCE!

Song of the Week


  1. Heartstopper tells the story of Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson - two British schoolboys who attend the fictional Truham Grammar School - as they meet and fall in love. The series also follows the lives and relationships of their friends, many of whom are LGBTQ+. Click Here to read more!

“Artificial Intelligence”

Now I coould write an article on how "AI"1 is going to fix the world. I could also talk about the use of "AI"1 to force the working class to become more skilled in end causing a job deficit. But I would rather talk about what "AI"1 even is. Let’s establish a understanding of the term "AI."1

All "AI" chatbots are actually just machine learning. This machine learning chatbots are computers combing through the vastness of the internet. This machine learning scrapes the internet for words to learn how to predict what the next phrase is. Using this prediction method they can guess they way through chats. But more importantly when does ths machine learnng turn into an inteligient living being? Scientists are huddled in debates over that one, with some arguing that ones and zeros can't make life.

Either way with the new propossed room temperature supercondoctor and quantum computers we are about to see a whole new era of teachnology and science! A room temperature supercondoctor would be an amazing accomplishment that would allow for 100% effiecitent power grids. That mixed with quantum computing machiene learning can really evolve.

Song of the week

Whats to be said EDM is fire 🔥

  1. Artificial Intelligence

Song of the week

no words to say

Mental helath

Ups and downs but thats to be expected.