
New blog url and a custom 404 page!

Mental Health

I had an amazing weekend with friends so as of when I'm writng this I'm not as bad as last week. I hope this week I'll find the motivation that I didn't last week. It went downhill fast so I didn't get the chance to write anything else :/

Minecraft server proxy

I recently started a Minecraft network! Wooooo! So far the current servers I have hosted goes as follows: hub, smp, skywars, UHC, and Manhunt. These servers take up a total of about 8GB of ram which is really good. The proxy is waterfall which allows me to have more servers on the one pc.

Mental Health

My depression is getting worse… My average mental state has been really low for the last 2-3 months and it only seems to be getting worse and worse. It's gotten bad enough where we are on cavetown only. Somehow though during all of this I'm still finding motivation for some of my homework. My grades are really suffering though. All of my core classes are averaging at around mid 50s. Idk what's wrong with me. It just feels like everything is falling apart. My mental state on non-existent. My therapist asked me “What's knocking down your ladder?”1 and I'm supposed to come back with answer but I don't know what it is. I guess it just be like that sometimes. I don't know if it's seasonal depression or burn out because this happens every year 2nd quarter. But never this bad.


I don't know what I'm doing with this blog site. Originally it was going to be more of a dev log but it has just turned into a way for me to record down the major events of my week. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.


AHHHHHH. Dysphoria is a b****! I don't really ever deal with mind gender dysphoria. I most often deal with social and body gender dysphoria. This means that I'm not always comfortable with the body I given and I'm not always comfortable with how masc2 I present. As for my body, I usually don't like the amount of body hair I have. But my social gender dysphoria is one of the biggest components that makes me dress the way I do and act the way I do. I personally hate presenting masc. I prefer to present fem if I can. The way I go about this is painting my nails or growing out my hair. Also the way I act is considered to be more fem but thats just bc I don't act like a toxic masc. I much prefer to dress non-binary though. All of this being said I don't understand why it is so socially unexceptable for a man to dress/act fem. It's not like they are bothering you or effecting you so why does it matter that they are expressin theirselves the way they want. It just bothers me so much when people feel that just because someone is expressing the way they feel on the inside they deserve to be socially shuned. I really hope that me and so many other youth pushing these gender boundaries actually brings change.


Something that really hurts is when all my quarter comments from my teachers are “working bellow potential”. This hurts so much due to the fact that the only thing limiting me is my depression. My depression my my lack of motivation to get my homework done makes it so I'm clueless on tests sometimes. I know that my teachers don't mean bad by writing this on my interm reports but it just hurts because it reminds me of how I feel like I'm a failure.

  1. Meaning what's stopping you from getting out of your depressive state.
  2. Masculine
  3. Feminine

Happy new fear!

With covid rates soaring high I'm in school as of 1/3/2022. You wanna know a fun fact? Our current covid 7-day average is almost 2 times higher then the highest peak before this omnicron outbreak. This is all added with the CDC's new guidelines that is confusing the public. The new 5 day rule is supposed to be made for front line health care workers. But the public eager to spread the disease is ignoring that and taking the 5-days fro themselves. Also I forgot to comment on the horrible joke that is this sections title. To be honest it goes best not commented on. Personally I really despise setting goals for mysself for the new year as I find I tend not to do them if I set them as my goal.

My mental state is non-exsistant

tw1: anxiety, panic attacks, depersonalization, and depression

Well recently has been a bundle of fun. I can't tell the difference between my dreams and reality. I’ve recently been having dreams where I lose all my friends and because of this recent depersonalization I can go for hours in the morning not realizing it was all a dream. Also added with these mini panic attacks I've been having that aren't bad but make it so I can't sleep. It just feels like a wave of anxiety is holding my eyes wide open rather than letting me sleep. I really hope these problems stop bothering me as break just ended and I need to be able to focus on school work again. All of this is happening in my head while I still need to be there for my friends as 3 of them tried to commit in the span of 2 days.


I'm still behind on pretty much all of my school work and class work. It's hard to even keep up on my work anymore. To be honest it's not that it's hard to keep up on the work. It's just hard to get the motivation to get started let alone complete the work. I'm planning on trying to complete all my work assigned to me starting today to febuary break. That's my goal as of right now. If I can complete this I'll move towards focusing on raising my grade.


I hate CSA and my CSA teacher. Like why do I need to write my code by hand for the AP. Like what?!?! Why can't they give us at least a sandboxed computer. Like it's not that hard. Added with no partial credit for anything that's not in the “scope” of the AP. Like using .endswith on a String is not in the “scope”. It seems that this AP course would rather teach developers to go through the whole understanding of everything rather than using methods. This is great for them but since I already have expereince in software development I find this extremely boring. Also I finially figured out why I hate my teacher so so so much. It's because he'll see a student doing something a little wrong and crack a joke about it tw caps AND THEN CONTINUE TO BE THE ONLY ONE TO LAUGH AT HIS OWN JOKE TOWARDS THE STUDENT. LIKE WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOPATH LAUGHS AT HIS OWN JOKES THAT DEGRADES STUDENTS. Anyways asides from being rude towards his students he's an ok teacher.

I got a threat! :D

Today(1/6) I got an email from stranger and it was a burning pride flag. Honestly pretty fun. Tbh I don't really care but worth mentioning that I got hate crimed.

  1. Trigger Warning

dont read but if you do well tw for excesive cursing, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and depersonalization disorder.

this isnt supossed to make sense. its not suppossed to be readable. its not suppossed to make gramatical sense. fuck sake i cant even spell suppossed. things that may be easy for tothers feel impossible for me. like spelling or understanding what im reading or even fucking writing. getting words down to paper to show what im thinking is thet hardest thing for me. thats why i challenged myself to do this blog weekly. for some reason all my thoughts are being warped. the best way to describe it is im a visual thinker and my thoughts right now are being warped like a calidascope. tbh i originally made this site to be professional to show to colledge and at this moment im realizing its just a good way for me to practivce figuring out my thoughts. speaking of right now the only way i can figure out how to cope with whatever is going on in my head is by smashing something with an sledgehamer. i have this toy train i used o play with as a kid. actually one time while trying to plug in the toy trains track i acidetally put my fingures on the two metal bits as i pugged it in. yah i guess you could say that was a shocking lesson. hhhh anyways i wanna take the train and smash it once everytime i feel the need to. it can be the representation of the trainwreck of my life. you know whats funny. i just realized anthing i write here will be imortalized forever. the way back macheine plus so many other platfrms added with anything i write will get commited on gthub. hhhhhhh idk i just cant think straight. its 336 am and i started writing this at 307 so idk. cool fact ig. i fucking hate discord tbh. oh and also i really want to smash the train rn my thoughts are going wonky again. i regret staying up. im finally getting tired but also still really anxious. its 348 lmaoooo. AHHHH ITS 411. its 6 am. ognna try and sleep now nini