Mental Health

Uhhhhhh… I have been going through a phase of rebirth per say. I have new found motivation and it’s causing me to be productive. I’m scared I’ll lose the motivation and collapse but until then WE RIDE THE WAVE. hhhh im so cringe.

I’m starting to catch up on my work. As of right now I will pass most of my courses which is very exciting.

Summer Goals

Summer is right around the corner so I have to start thinking about how I want to spend it. So far this is what I have as far as goals:

  • Read at least 2 books
  • Blog consistently throught the summer
  • Try to go on daily walks outside
  • Try to not be on my computer 24/7

Current Events - Artist Arlo Parks blazes a path for Black queer musicians


Arlo Parks is a new musician that is rissing next to all the other stars as a indie pop queer icon. Though she has stated she doesnt want to be pigeon holed as the queer artist she is making huge leaps for the lgbtq community.


I think it’s amazing to have another queer artist in the field and I absolutely am now in love with her music and am listening to it right now.

Current Events - Meet the trans teen whose crypto artwork has earned him nearly $50 million


He became famous after it became public that he raised over 2.16 million dollars by selling their artwork. Since then his sales have skyrocketed and he has made over 20 million dollars in a day. He has stated that he doesn’t want to relax and do nothing, the goal is to just draw. He has made an estimated total of 50 million dollars.


I think it’s amazing that someone at the age of 14-18 making this much money can be very dangerous. But other than the dangers that come with having millions of dollars I think their artwork is very impressive. Their artwork is abstract and I love that.

Curent Events - Federal judge strikes down Tennessee’s transgender bathroom sign law


Some politions wanted to make a law requiring all bathrooms to have a sign that stated if they allowed trans* people to use their restrooms. This got struck down as it was found to be unconstitutional.


I think this is just another way for politicians to try to get transphobic uneducated voters to vote for them at the ballots. The fight for trans* rights has only come up in politics recently as a shock factor tactic as a way to get more votes. I find this to be a disgusting waste of time. Not to mention that this sign law would help absolutely no one and only cause more problems.


So every week on friday we all present a current event to our history teacher and it's amazing how my teacher always walks the thin line of transphobia.

Mental Health

Started the week off manic. I finially got around to adding the family tree to this website. It is hard to tell when I am manic1. I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Whether that'a a good thing or not I still have yet to figure out.

It's now saturday and I've felt really off for a while now. Everything feels disgusting but I have the motivation to do something. I feel like I'm manic but also deppressed. It's a really weird feeling and I hate it. I feel horrible.


Well in an effort to make it better and more professional I may or may not have leaked the source folder… Whoopsies. Anyways all that matters is I now have a ddev branch where I can actually keep up to date with my blog without connecting to a remote server. So thats nice.

Current Projects

Currently I am getting paid to work on a discord bot. I hope I can also put some more attention towards my blog and postng content to it.

  1. The terms "mania" and "manic episode" describe a state of mind characterized by high energy, excitement, and euphoria over a sustained period of time. It's an extreme change in mood and cognition that can interfere with school, work, or home life. Mania is also the main feature of bipolar disorder.

Mental Health

Last week I had an intense manic episode ending with the begging of this week being supper down. We love that. Now it is Tuesday and I'm starting to feel manic again and it isn't fun.

Poof it is Friday now. I had to leave school early bc mentally and physically I wasn't feeling the best. Right now I'm at joanna's house and mentally I just feel fidgety.


I got nothing this week sorry!