What is the best way to reach you?

By using the chat at the bottom right!

What are your pronouns?

You can check them out here

When are you most active?

Really anytime I’m not in school!

What coding languages do you know?

I mostly know Java, CSS, html, and Javascript but I've also touched Typescript, Python, and C#

What have you programed in the past?

Well you can find anything I've made on my GitHub.

What is your gender?

My gender is Maverique1 which is under the trans umbrella.

  1. Maverique (pronounced mav-reek) is a specific nonbinary gender identity "characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent of male/masculinity, female/femininity or anything which derives from the two while still being neither without gender nor of a neutral gender." Maverique is not close to a female or male gender, and is not like a mix of them; the identity goes beyond the entire scope of the gender binary or any identities within and outside of it. It is independent of the entire concept of the gender binary, including other non-binary identities that are derived from comparison with binary genders. It also isn't a lack of gender, or an apathetic attitude about gender. Maverique is strictly a gender identity, not a gender expression, so "how a maverique person chooses to express or present themselves is entirely up to that individual." Maverique is not an umbrella term, but a specific gender identity.