70. Week 6/16/24

My Life

I finished my first college semester! YAY! I have been feeling content lately. After completing the semester with a 4.0 GPA I went straight into summer classes. I did not expect summer classes to be so hard and am glad only to have one My personal goals will be updated to adjust to this new schedule.

Current Goals

  • Get a B or higher in all my classes this semester
  • Submit all homework one day before the due date this semester
  • Get a B in Statistics I over the summer semester
  • Save at least $10 every week
  • Write on my blog every two weeks for the rest of the year of 2024

I finished all my classes with an A so that is one goal down. I also completed every homework on time. I am overjoyed to say I am appreciating college and setting these goals. I hope to continue to achieve my goals.

Song of the Week

Tongue Tied

I love upbeat songs like these.