67. Week of 2/4/24

My Life

Hello, it's me again. For now on I will start taking a voice again on my blog. I will still be doing current events each week, but I will also be focusing on my life and current goals.

Currently I just started college a few weeks ago and I am really excited to say I love it. Having the ability to learn and focus on my work with the motivation I have newly acquired has helped me a ton. This semester I am taking four courses which I think will be easy to balance with two jobs, but we will see. I currently only have one job, but I am looking for a second to pay the bills. Hopefully this semester will go well. To help and ensure it does I have some goals.

Current Goals

  • Get a second job within the next two weeks
  • Get an B or higher in all my classes this semester
  • Submit all homework one day before the due date this semester
  • Save at least $10 every week

Song of the week

Marlboro Nights
By Lonely God*

I love this song. Though it is short I think it has a very catchy beat.