66. Week of 1-28

Current Events

Schools are increasingly locations for hate crimes, FBI data shows

Between 2018 and 2019 all types of school were the third most common location of a hate crime. 4,300 offenses were reported in an educational setting between those 5 years. Theres been an increase in hate crimes, in 2018 ~8,400 offenses were reported, compoared to ~13,300

The most common were anti-Black (1,690), anti-LGBTQ (901) and anti-Jewish (745) offenses over the course of the five years.

When broken down LGBTQ+ offenses in school were at community events that serve the LGBTQ+.

In the FBI’s most recent overall hate crimes report, the same three groups were found to be the most common targets. More than half of race-based crimes in 2022 targeted Black people, and more than half of religious-based crimes targeted Jews. The data also pointed to a nearly 40% increase in anti-transgender crimes compared to the prior year.

Song of the week

Love this song. It is stuck in my head.