65. Week of 1-21-24

Current Events

Nearly 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ


All data used was from the U.S. Source is linked in title.

More than 1 in 4 adults between the age of 18 to 25 identify as LGBTQ+. This is a increadible increase from the 4% in the baby boomers.

“In its LGBTQ identity breakdown, the report found 72% of Gen Z adults identified as straight, 15% as bisexual, 5% as gay or lesbian and 8% as something else.”

Reasearcher also found that Gen Z was more racially and ethnically diverse. Though they were less likey to associate with an established religion.

“Last year, more than 500 anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced in state legislatures around the country, a record, including 75 that were signed into law, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.”


It's astonishing to see the new generation of adult be more accepting of who they are and their ability to explore their sexuality. I'm excited to see the future our society will go through. Though the reach away from religion is an interesting statistic I kept in the summary. I find this to most likey have a correlation with how a lot of religions are anti-LGBTQ+. It's scary to see the anti-LGBTQ+ bills passed, but I think in time they will be rolled back. What worries me is 75 of the 500 bills proposed were signed in. Some of the bills talked about are making people flee to other states. This fear is running throughout the community enducing panic. To everyone struggling with mental health Click Here to learn about ways to get help.

Song of the week

Just love this song. I used to listen to it when it first came out. A bit of a throw back.