63. Week of 11-5

Possible book club??

  • Book Club Name: Queer readings

  • PSA: You don’t need to be queer to join. We will just have a slight prefrence to queer literature.

  • Meeting Frequency: bi-weekly

  • Meeting Format: tbd(Zoom or discord)

  • Membership Criteria: None :D

  • Membership Size: unlimited

  • Book Selection Process: Club’s reading list will be voted on

  • Discussion Format: open discussion

  • Meeting Agenda:

    • Open discusion: To catch up with each other(5-15 minutes before meeting)
    • Book catch-up: Discusion on what happened in the book and any notes(15 minutes)
    • Expanding: Talking about the themes and messages of the book(10 minutes)
    • Clossing: Communicate next weeks reading(5 minutes)
  • Leadership Roles: tbd

  • Communication Channels: tbd(probably discord)

  • Rules and Guidelines: tbd

  • Membership Dues: None

  • Social Media/Website: https:/blog.catusking.com/2023/63-Week-of-11-5/

  • Contact Information: Chat at the bottom right!

Song of the week

This one is for the boys