57. Week of 8-6

“Artificial Intelligence”

Now I coould write an article on how "AI"1 is going to fix the world. I could also talk about the use of "AI"1 to force the working class to become more skilled in end causing a job deficit. But I would rather talk about what "AI"1 even is. Let’s establish a understanding of the term "AI."1

All "AI" chatbots are actually just machine learning. This machine learning chatbots are computers combing through the vastness of the internet. This machine learning scrapes the internet for words to learn how to predict what the next phrase is. Using this prediction method they can guess they way through chats. But more importantly when does ths machine learnng turn into an inteligient living being? Scientists are huddled in debates over that one, with some arguing that ones and zeros can't make life.

Either way with the new propossed room temperature supercondoctor and quantum computers we are about to see a whole new era of teachnology and science! A room temperature supercondoctor would be an amazing accomplishment that would allow for 100% effiecitent power grids. That mixed with quantum computing machiene learning can really evolve.

Song of the week

Whats to be said EDM is fire 🔥

  1. Artificial Intelligence