52. Week of 1-29

Mental Health

Currently slaying not gonna lie. I am doing amazing and I feel amazing. Currently I am sick with COVID-191 so that kinda sucks. It is my first ever case of COVID-19 so thats fun.

Listening to MONSTER ENERGY GUN! on full blast >>>>>

Current Event - Utah is the first state to pass a gender-affirming care ban in 2023

This is the fith state2 to ban gender affirming care3. This disgusting abuse of power in the US is not going to stop. I believe that gender affirming care should avalible to everyone. Though a good majority of people don't believe the same. I would love to say that this is not going to continue throughout most republican states but that is sadly not the truth. Due to the fact that this basic need is being ripped away from many familes trans* people and their familes are being forced to flee to other states. For most people this is not even possible due to the price of relocated homes. This forces familes to make tough deccisions which can rip the family apart. This also can destroy trans* peoples social supports due to the new location. The growing stress of the politics over trans* rights also put preasure on trans* teens. All of this can negatively impact trans* youth leading them to have more mental health issues and possibly leading to suicide.

Current Event - Trump vows to ‘stop’ gender-affirming care for minors if re-elected president

So trans* news is kinda blowing up in the US this week so I feel it is for the best if I cover as much as I can.


Former President Donald Trump vowed in a video released Tuesday that, if re-elected, he would punish doctors who provide gender-affirming care to minors. In the video posted on his Truth Social platform, Trump said he would task several federal agencies to police and ultimately “stop” gender-affirming care3 for minors, which he equated to “child abuse”. He said he would also prohibit any federal agency from doing work to “promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age,” not just for minors. Trump said he would push Congress to pass a law banning gender-affirming care for minors nationwide. He has already vowed to create a “new credentialing body for teachers” regarding the teaching of race history, but added that the panel will

Promote positive education about the nuclear family, the roles of mothers and fathers and celebrating, rather than erasing, the things that make men and women different.

  • Donald Trump

He said his Department of Education would impose “severe consequences” on any teachers or school officials who “suggest to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body,” which could include civil rights penalties for the individuals and a loss of federal funding for schools.

The left-wing gender insanity being pushed at our children is an act of child abuse. Very simple. Here’s my plan to stop the chemical, physical and emotional mutilation of our youth,

  • Donald Trump

Trump’s states this as he is looking to reignite momentum for his second presidential campaign. Conservatives nationwide have become increasingly concerned about trans issues, especially gender-affirming care for minors. Five Republican-leaning states have enacted bans or restrictions on gender-affirming care for minors over the past two years: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Tennessee, Utah. Lawmakers in at least 21 states have proposed bills so far this year seeking to ban or restrict gender-affirming care for minors. Judges have blocked the laws in Alabama and Arkansas from taking effect, pending the outcome of lawsuits.


It comes as no surprise that former President Trump would use trans* youth as a weapen to ralley the right on his side. He has been doing this since his first election race. Though he has never used trans* rights this strongly the fact is he is now. He sates that he would ban gender affirming care3 to minors, equating gender affirming care to child abuse. Though I do believe some gender affirming care should not be avalible to minors, there is plenty gender affirming care that is reverseable that should be provided to minors. One of the most disgusting and horrifying things he stated is that he wants all government agencies to not “promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age,” This disgsuting abuse of power would make it imposible for government agencies to help any trans* poeple financially when it comes to gender affirming care. This includes simple things such as therapy specifically for trans* people and all the way to stopping government funding of sex reassignment surgeries. He also states that he would federally ban gender affirming care for minors. This would make it illegal for doctors to provide gender affirming care to minors. I believe gender affirming care should be provided to minors no matter their age. Reversable gender affirming care should be provided at any age. He vowed to create a “new credentialing body for teachers” which he said would

Promote positive education about the nuclear family, the roles of mothers and fathers and celebrating, rather than erasing, the things that make men and women different.

  • Donald Trump

This old view of how a family should be just doesn't fit with the current times. He says he wants to educate on what makes a man different from a woman. This just goes to show how he views trans* people as just what their sex assigned at bith is rather than the gender they identify as. He stated that he would punish any school body who decideds to “suggest to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body,” I think that education of trans* people would further acceptance especially when taught at a young age. I think that is what the right wing population is scared of.

Song of the Week


-me from 8/12/2023

  1. COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. Source
  2. Source
  3. Transgender health care, also known as gender-affirming care, includes the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental health conditions, as well as sex reassignment therapies, for transgender individuals. Source