50. Week of 1-8

Current Event - ‘Don’t Say Gay’ feud advances with new proposed legislation

To be honest I have a lot of views on this topic but lets start on the end of the article. I think no longer making Disney a part of its own government in the state of Florida is an amazing idea. Disney is trying to bypass texes by using the area they govern as an exscuse to not pay taxes. They are getting all this hate due to their support of early education of LGBTQ+ topics. Though I do think that removing their power is a good thing the 'don't say gay bill' is a horrible thing that should not be formed. Allowing kids to have an early education on LGBTQ+ topics allows them to learn about what they may identify as at an earlier age. This paragraph from healthline perfectly descibes why the 'don't say gay bill is bad'.

Health experts say legislation like Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill (which has been dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by its opponents) can negatively affect the mental and physical health of young people. According to experts, when a person’s identity (or the identity of a loved one) becomes politicized and a point of debate, it can be dehumanizing, increase stigma and stress, and be especially damaging for impressionable, vulnerable young people. Stressed teens are more susceptible to substance use and suicide.

All of this added together makes for it to be very hard to be a young LGBTQ+ member in Florida at the moment. All of this stress and anxeity is harmful for these young kids who are just trying to find themselves in these trying times.

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