47. Week of 12-18

Current Events - Protesters swarm NYC library hosting Drag Story Hour for kids

It honestly disgusts me how people are so outraged over something so innocent. I currently work with kindergarteners. Some of the kids call me Mrs. while others call me Mr. The confusion coupled with their acceptance of who I am shows how kids flat-out do not care. Kindergardeners are pure. While some would like to say that kids shouldn't be educated on the LGBTQ community at a young age I completely disaggre. Parents don't want their kids to be educated on acceptance due to the fact that they are too stuborn to accept the LGBTQ community. This issue is not from the community itself but rather the people who distain us. Back to the current event, the kids who were listening to the story were neurodivergent students. These kids were just innocent kids trying to enjoy a story time not understanding the depth of something like this. In end I'm honestly disgusted.

Song of the week!