34. Week of 5-22

Curent Events - Federal judge strikes down Tennessee’s transgender bathroom sign law


Some politions wanted to make a law requiring all bathrooms to have a sign that stated if they allowed trans* people to use their restrooms. This got struck down as it was found to be unconstitutional.


I think this is just another way for politicians to try to get transphobic uneducated voters to vote for them at the ballots. The fight for trans* rights has only come up in politics recently as a shock factor tactic as a way to get more votes. I find this to be a disgusting waste of time. Not to mention that this sign law would help absolutely no one and only cause more problems.


So every week on friday we all present a current event to our history teacher and it's amazing how my teacher always walks the thin line of transphobia.

Mental Health

Started the week off manic. I finially got around to adding the family tree to this website. It is hard to tell when I am manic1. I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Whether that'a a good thing or not I still have yet to figure out.

It's now saturday and I've felt really off for a while now. Everything feels disgusting but I have the motivation to do something. I feel like I'm manic but also deppressed. It's a really weird feeling and I hate it. I feel horrible.


Well in an effort to make it better and more professional I may or may not have leaked the source folder… Whoopsies. Anyways all that matters is I now have a ddev branch where I can actually keep up to date with my blog without connecting to a remote server. So thats nice.

Current Projects

Currently I am getting paid to work on a discord bot. I hope I can also put some more attention towards my blog and postng content to it.

  1. The terms "mania" and "manic episode" describe a state of mind characterized by high energy, excitement, and euphoria over a sustained period of time. It's an extreme change in mood and cognition that can interfere with school, work, or home life. Mania is also the main feature of bipolar disorder.