30. Week of 4-24

Current Events - Soon to be ceo of twitter Elon Musk is transphobic :o Who would've guessed? /s

Woooooo didn't we miss this? no? idc!

First off I do this because this is an assignment I get for my history class. I write a summary for the assignment. Read the article yourself!


As Elon Musk gets closer and closer to being able to buy Twitter people are starting to fear the actions he will take as ceo. Many trans. youth fear that his free speech movement will allow for less protection of trans. people. This is putting fear that trans. harassment will only increase in the coming years on Twitter. He originally stated he didn’t like people displaying their pronouns but then wen back to say “I absolutely support trans, but all these pronouns are an esthetic nightmare.” Elon Musk also wants to make Twitters algorithum open source. This can bring positive change as people would be able to suggest edits and be able to remove parts that may silence lgbtq voices.


The fact that all he sees is an “esthetic nightmare” when he sees pronouns scares the shit out of me. It shows how little he cares about people in general and this shouldn’t just be a threat to trans. people but a threat to anyone who wants human rights. He is showing how he doesnt care about what the people care about. This just supports the fear that he will silence voices that he doesn't want to hear. Not to mention the bulllying he will cause by letting complete free speach on a platform like Twitter.

Mental Health

First off I havent been posting to the public blog as aparentyly both someone from the school and my therapist reported me to my parents. We love that but I think it's important for people to know how mentally unhinged I am. This is not a cry for help. This is me yelling into the either that is called the internet and practicing my code and writing skills. Anyways with that out of the way I would like to talk about me recent manic1 episodes as they have been… interesting? So recently I wasn't able to sleep for more than 72 hours. In that time all I slept was 2 hours to then be woken up and brought to school. I asked my dad to drive me home but instead he brought me to his job where he refused to let me sleep. We love that. During these manic episodes I would experence no limitations on my motivation and an empty wallet. I've spent all of my money every time I've had a manic episode. In all in the last 6 months I've spent over $900 on arbutrary items. The fact that I thought it was a good idea to buy over 120 dollars of pride flags. Like now I have 20 pride flags. my plan is to put them up around my neighborhood during june.

I got new meds! I got bipolar downer meds and I also got anxiety meds. This will allows me to more comfortably live my day to day life. I don't know if this means that I have bipolar disorder 1 or 2. Technically I have not been diagnossed with bipolar disorder. I will ask my doctor the next time I see them though. I hope these meds allow me to not only sleep but be able to stay in school more consistencly. I have so many happy pills now! I hope that I don't have to go on more meds as it's kinda annoying to have to take over 3 meds just to feel normal.

  1. The terms "mania" and "manic episode" describe a state of mind characterized by high energy, excitement, and euphoria over a sustained period of time. It's an extreme change in mood and cognition that can interfere with school, work, or home life. Mania is also the main feature of bipolar disorder.