14. Week of 1-2

Happy new fear!

With covid rates soaring high I'm in school as of 1/3/2022. You wanna know a fun fact? Our current covid 7-day average is almost 2 times higher then the highest peak before this omnicron outbreak. This is all added with the CDC's new guidelines that is confusing the public. The new 5 day rule is supposed to be made for front line health care workers. But the public eager to spread the disease is ignoring that and taking the 5-days fro themselves. Also I forgot to comment on the horrible joke that is this sections title. To be honest it goes best not commented on. Personally I really despise setting goals for mysself for the new year as I find I tend not to do them if I set them as my goal.

My mental state is non-exsistant

tw1: anxiety, panic attacks, depersonalization, and depression

Well recently has been a bundle of fun. I can't tell the difference between my dreams and reality. I’ve recently been having dreams where I lose all my friends and because of this recent depersonalization I can go for hours in the morning not realizing it was all a dream. Also added with these mini panic attacks I've been having that aren't bad but make it so I can't sleep. It just feels like a wave of anxiety is holding my eyes wide open rather than letting me sleep. I really hope these problems stop bothering me as break just ended and I need to be able to focus on school work again. All of this is happening in my head while I still need to be there for my friends as 3 of them tried to commit in the span of 2 days.


I'm still behind on pretty much all of my school work and class work. It's hard to even keep up on my work anymore. To be honest it's not that it's hard to keep up on the work. It's just hard to get the motivation to get started let alone complete the work. I'm planning on trying to complete all my work assigned to me starting today to febuary break. That's my goal as of right now. If I can complete this I'll move towards focusing on raising my grade.


I hate CSA and my CSA teacher. Like why do I need to write my code by hand for the AP. Like what?!?! Why can't they give us at least a sandboxed computer. Like it's not that hard. Added with no partial credit for anything that's not in the “scope” of the AP. Like using .endswith on a String is not in the “scope”. It seems that this AP course would rather teach developers to go through the whole understanding of everything rather than using methods. This is great for them but since I already have expereince in software development I find this extremely boring. Also I finially figured out why I hate my teacher so so so much. It's because he'll see a student doing something a little wrong and crack a joke about it tw caps AND THEN CONTINUE TO BE THE ONLY ONE TO LAUGH AT HIS OWN JOKE TOWARDS THE STUDENT. LIKE WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOPATH LAUGHS AT HIS OWN JOKES THAT DEGRADES STUDENTS. Anyways asides from being rude towards his students he's an ok teacher.

I got a threat! :D

Today(1/6) I got an email from stranger and it was a burning pride flag. Honestly pretty fun. Tbh I don't really care but worth mentioning that I got hate crimed.

  1. Trigger Warning