7. Week of 11-14

New Discord Bot Node.JS

Ok so I created a new Discord bot called quotes.db. The bot's purpose is to allow random mebers of any server quote anything someone else says using slash commands. The bot as of right now is pretty fleshed out when it comes to code and as well is a very simple bot. I think I'm going to try using ts for this bot the next time I update it. The links for the bot are as follows. Bot Invite and Discord Invite. The discord invite is so you ccan follow the channel all the quotes go into.

El Salvador

I'm going on a trip for the next 10 days starting the friday of this week

My Gender

Ahhhhh I'm questiong my gender again. So I'm definitally nb1 and trans*, but what I'am specifically I'm not too sure. I did some looking around at gender labels and I think I found one that might fit me. I like the label Maverique2. I like how it's a mixture and self defined. If I can I would like to try opening up about this to my friends and see if they support me. If so i might start using it when i sign up online and maybe eventually change my legal id. Right now I'm just focussed on learning who I am. If I can I would love to bring more social awareness to the diffrence between gender identity, gender expression, and sex. I love the fact that Maverique doesn't set any expectations on gender expression, as it only defines gender identity. I think the distiction between gender identity and expession is widely understood. The only problem is for people who aren't well educated in the trans community. They tend to not know the diffrence between sex and gender. While gender is self-defined, sex is rather something that more definded by body parts and x y chromosomes. One of the biggest problems when it comes to the undersatnding of pronouns and gender is the clear diffrence between them. Just becuase I identify as nb doesn't mean that I need to have Non-Gender specific pronouns. I personally use the pronouns they/him but I currently identify as nb.

Maverique Flag

  1. Non-Binary: Non-binary is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity doesn't sit comfortably with 'man' or 'woman'. Non-binary identities are varied and can include people who identify with some aspects of binary identities, while others reject them entirely. ref
  2. Maverique is a gender identity that falls under the nonbinary umbrella term. It is defined as an identity that is not the absence of gender, or an apathy towards gender, but a present feeling of gender. This feeling of gender is completely independent from male, female, neutral, or anything derived from any of them. However, maveriques can be multigender with their other genders being related to maleness, femaleness, or neutrality. ref